About 2 months ago we got a couple of gorgeous chickens who Lexie named Mia and Lemon. They started laying about 4 weeks ago and we now get an egg a day from each chicken. One lays in the morning, and one in the afternoon. We think that Lemon lays in the morning and Mia in the afternoon, but its a little hard to tell. Angus is a little unsure about them, but is happy to play with them and cuddle one if someone else is with him. He likes to chase them and try to catch them... as long as it doesn't look like they are about to be caught. When one sits down and waits for him to pick it up, he suddenly gets all shy - so cute! Lexie will run outside and play with them for hours at a time. Both children LOVE eating the eggs they provide and boy are they YUMMY! It really makes you wonder what on earth they feed the chickens which lay the commercial "organic free range" eggs as they really don't compare at all.
When we first picked them up, poor Dunc was still making their hen house. They had to wait in the animal carrier for an hour or so and Lexie stayed with them the whole time. She fed them grass one strand at a time until it was time to transfer them to their Taj Mahal.
Now they are happily settled in and we get are getting enough eggs to start giving a few away. The other day Lexie waited and watched (and kept opening the nesting box door and disturbing...) until Lemon laid her morning egg. The second that egg was laid, she opened the door, took it out from under the chicken, passed it over the fence to Emilie who was waiting there, Em took it into their house to give to Sarah, who rang me in amazement as it was still warm! Now THAT'S why we got chickens!!
Oh and for this. Check how how wonderfully Ella and Lexie play with them: