Monday, October 21, 2013

Step One. Sell the house!

So. Our plan to shake up our lives and spend more time together  starts with selling our house. :)

Looks great doesn't it??! We've been busy fixing up bits and pieces over the last few weeks. Levelling the garden and putting down the Lilydale toppings. Planting out the garden beds. (All required thanks to the destructive powers of our adored pet chickens who have been temporarily re-located to Katie's mother's house). Peeling off the stickers that were stuck all over the children's doors. Painting said doors. Swearing at the children for sticking stickers everywhere... You know how it is!

Then we de-cluttered, washed walls, tidied the house and now we are ready to have hundreds of people tromping through for our 'Open for Inspections'. Fingers crossed for a good result on Auction Day!

Its been a while...

So. Quite a while since the last entry! To be honest I found it very difficult to keep up this blog. Writing about trivial things our family was doing just didn't seem right while our dear friends Richard and Catherine were going through such a difficult time with their family.

Writing about swimming lessons and school productions just didn't compare to chemotherapy regimes and I didn't have the motivation to keep this blog up.

And, to be completely honest, we weren't having much fun.

We work full time and the children go to Before Care and After Care nearly every day. Or Hilly picks them up. But the bottom line is that we really don't get to spend much time with our own children!

But Duncan and I have found a way to inject some fun back into our lives. Its been just over a year since Anouk died and reflecting on her death has had a rather large impact on our lives. We have decided that we really don't want to live this way anymore - working all hours and seeing the kids for only 1.5 hours a day before tipping them into bed. I spend most of that 1.5 hours arguing over homework, housework and dinner anyway!

So we are making some changes. We're going to spend more time with our children. We've assessed what's important and decided that its NOT the big screen TV. We're going to make do with less. And have more. More time. More freedom. More flexibility. More family.

We can't wait!!