1. Last weekend I was green.
Quite utterly green from the top of my forehead to the tips of my toes!
2. I had the right to remain silent.
When I was 20 years old I was arrested and charged in America. I was 'done' for underage drinking, tresspass and 'open container' for sitting with a bunch of friends in a playground and drinking a few beers and... oh the shame... wine coolers! I handled it all really well until the Police Officer started reading me my rights. Then it all seemed a little too much like the tv show "Law and Order" for me and the silent tears started to flow! Six of us faced court and we were 'let off' on a good behaviour bond. I've not tried to enter the States since they really got tough after 9/11 yet. Wonder if it would be an issue??
3. Duncan and I only started dating as a joke.
He was trying to avoid the attentions of someone he was not interested in and we thought she might move on if she thought he was 'taken'. It only took 2 weeks of pretending to be dating before we ended up not pretending anymore. All that arriving and leaving in the same car...and me carrying his "very expensive, very large, very high tech" mobile telephone which was only slightly smaller than the average laptop these days worked too well!
4. My closest friends are "internet buddies" who I only see once a year.
We met online when we were all pregnant together, so we have known each other for 6 years now. They are a constant source of support and we are in contact almost every day. Sometimes MANY times a day. I can tell them anything and know that they love me and will be there for me. I count down to the annual catch up when we can actually hug and chat and laugh in person.
5. I am tragically addicted to 'late' television shows.
I really should go to bed much earlier than i do. I know this. But somehow I have to stay up and watch crappy television because I need to see what happens. I blame school reports and the school magazine, when I HAVE to stay up to get my work done. Then I get stupidly addicted to the shows and end up staying up when I do not need to. Take tonight for example... I would love to go to bed early and catch up on sleep, but I know I will watch the trashy "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" because I have watched every other episode when it was on during report-writing time. Its a miracle my school reports do not say "Sally is a pleasant and cooperative Art student who likes to undress slowly"!
6. I've sailed significant bits of the world.
Through Holland (canals, locks and lakes) and over to England and up the East coast of England. And down the East coast of Florida, through the middle of Florida (more canals, locks and lakes) and down the West coast of Florida, over to halfway to Cuba and then back to Florida. Not nearly as much of the world as some members of my family, but certainly more than the average person has! Duncan and I also got engaged on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere while we were trying to get to Cuba.
So there you go. I hereby tag Foofie, Jaki and Nik as the rest of my family has already been tagged. Go for it!