Sunday, February 1, 2009

The big boy turns 3!

How quickly time flies! Our little boy turned 3 this week, which is just a formal recognition of the massive growth spurt and recent developmental leaps. He's really matured over the past couple of months. We now have a little chatterbox who has lost a lot of his insecurities with strangers and new situations. He's really blossomed! So to celebrate we had a Dinosaur birthday party, complete with enormous birthday cake:

Gosh I love Google! I stuffed up the first batch of fondant for the "bony backplates", so had to make a second lot of very blue, sweet, edible playdough. Gave the first batch to the children to play with and they had an absolute ball. Lets hope they don't try and eat the horrible salty stuff next time!
The look of absolute glee on Angus' face when he first saw the cake was so heartwarming. It made every minute spent making it worth it. The 44 degree heat I could have done without - the poor butter frosting couldn't keep up and the dinosaur got a little too tired to hold his head up until candle time. Oh well... he looked good for most of the party!

I copied another mum's idea with strawberries and mint leaves. They are so easy to make and look amazingly effective. And the kids and adults seem to like them. The 22 children (good gracious!) who came were enjoying themselves so much that at first I scrapped the idea of doing the party games. But then the girls were getting a little too keen on the idea of a concert, so Pass-the-Parcel was quickly re-instated and I'm so glad I did. Angus thoroughly enjoyed it. Three years old is the PERFECT age for these games and all of the children enjoyed their little chocolate and dinosaur. Luke, our little winner, was very keen to get his, and a bit put out that it was taking so long. He was extra excited to GET a present at someone else's birthday party.
Now I have a whole 6 months to prepare the next party - how sensible we were to space our children across the year like we did! :)

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