Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big Boy Bed!

From this:

To this:

Angus has absolutely loved sleeping in his racing car bed. But since it takes a cot matress, and he's well and truly 3 and ahalf now, he was growing out of it. Quite literally! We thought it was time for a big boy bed and our "Prince of Darkness" chose the black one. He will always choose black for anything he has a choice about!

He LOVES his new bedside table and light too. It makes it much easier for him to read in bed at night. He has taken to reading a book or 2 (or 3 or 4) to himself and then putting them away and turning the light off and tucking himself back in! He is such a little cutie. Even when he isn't ready to sleep, he will look after himself in his room.

Sleep well in your big boy bed, beautiful boy!

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