Grandad has been in and out of hospital for a few weeks now. Thankfully he is now home and well on the way to recovering. He has tried many different wards and beds at Cabrini hospital, and a taken a ride or 2 in an ambulance as well. After weeks of knowing he had a "massive infection" but not knowing where or what sort, it was discovered that it was infact in his heart. He has been in a general ward, ICU, the cardiac unit and I'm sure I've missed a few moves in there too... 42 days of antibiotics applied through a central line later, and we are all hoping that this is the end of it and Grandad will be up and about and feeling fine soon!
Our gorgeous, snuggly, cuddly Nouky Noo from England has copped a shocking blow. A few days after Catherine and the girls returned from their trip here, she was taken to hospital due to continual vomitting in the morning. Eventually a CT scan revealed a Brain Tumor. Further tests showed it was not a nice tumor in not a nice location and Anouk has been through surgery to have most of it removed. She now faces 7 months of chemotherapy and what is sure to be a horrid time ahead. We are being kept sane by following her blog as we really feel the distance. :(
The children are interested in every update and Dunc and I love the opportunity to have a sneak peek at how they are all going. It makes it slightly more bearable.

And then we have Fred. He was desperately ill after he and Dad got to the boat in QLD and in the end he flew home while Mum flew up to help Dad get back home again! Fred arrived in quite a state and required surgery for a stent in his bile duct within days. We are waiting on test results as they spotted a tumor in/near his pancreas during the surgery. He has had an MRI and we all have our fingers crossed for good news now.

On a more minor note, we found out today that Angus will require a short trip to hospital to have his tonsils removed. He snores rather loudly and when he has a minor cold, is prone to sleep apnoea. According to the specialist, his tonsils are rather enormous. He has a gap of 1cm between them, when ideally they like to see 4 - 6cm. This gap would narrow to .5cm at night, so its easy to see why he might stop breathing when his throat is swollen! So we are off to Mitcham hospital on the 23rd of October.
In amongst all these happenings, we've gone on our annual trip to the snow and have been up to the farm with Jazmine and Zac. I've been meaning to update with posts about that, but just haven't felt like it with everything else that's been happening. I'll be back some happier posts soon!
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