Monday, July 7, 2014

Gorgeous Gorges - Day 1 at Karijini National Park

Wow. Western Australia is just absolutely stunning! This national park was our first experience of a gorge and we were all super impressed. I am STILL so impressed that I have had an incredibly difficult time narrowing down the images to put in this blog entry. I have 57 at last count! Eek. Have decided that since it is too hard to narrow down, I shall simply write multiple entries and spread my 57 photos over a number of days. Come back in a few days if you are bored

So we got to Karijini and set ourselves up in Dales Campground. We arrived at about 1pm and missed out on a spot in the generator side, much to the disgust of the woman in front of me in the queue. She was NOT pleased. We didnt mind a bit! There are about 4 loops that dont allow generators and only 1 that does, so if you want to be noisy, get in extra early! We squeezed into the last spot that would fit us (usually given to 2 caravaners travelling in pairs) and made our way down to Circular Pool. It was our first experience IN a gorge and was simply breathtaking! The children LOVED the hikes – who would have guessed??! Not a single sign of Whingey or Whiney the entire time we were there. They liked the more challenging aspects of the level 3 and 4 hikes – climbing over boulders and using ladders and a bit of rock climbing and stepping stones.

We made our way to the closest pool (Circular Pool) via the hardest decent track. Channeling our inner mountain goat, we clambered down and took our time wandering along the bottom of the stunning gorge. The kids had a bit of a splash and a swim and Dunc and I took some photos and then I ran into an incredibly negative, scripture-quoting, bushwalking expert couple who got me all second-guessing myself and worried. Of COURSE I wouldnt have a map of my own, would I? (Yes, a photo of the only one at the visitors centre on my phone). Its FAR too late to be considering walking the other side of the gorge, it will be getting dark soon. And of COURSE I wouldnt be prepared enough to have a torch with me, would I. (Why yes, again on my phone) And having such young children it will take us a lot longer to get back, well really we should be thinking about leaving right now!

Sadly I took too much of what they said on board and started getting worried. Lexie was still on the other side of the pool in the waterfall and we ended up heading off a good 30 minutes after this couple, with me feeling uneasy and a sense of pressure about the time. It was 4pm and the sun sets at 6pm here (But, of COURSE, you lose the light a lot earlier in the gorges!).

Well pffft to this couple! We caught up to them before we even got to the wall scramble up to the top. Halfway up we stopped for a lolly snake/bribery rest and they overtook us. Then they had the hide to boast about beating us at the top! WTF? They left half an hour before us and we werent aware it was a race to leave this beautiful environment. I was very glad to see the back of them.

This short hike was a GREAT introduction to what was in store over the next few days, and I got to reflect on the fact that everyone else we have met has always been so friendly and positive. The dark helps you to see the light.

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