Monday, April 21, 2014

Adelaide to Coffin Bay

We are currently parked at Coffin Bay, safe and snug, surrounded by morning fog in the caravan park. Im watching the family next door pack up their camper trailer. I LOVE living in a bus, partly because we dont have that enormous set-up and pack-up. Mind you, it does still seem to take us an hour or so to get going. Thats in between Dunc eating his breakfast and making and drinking his morning coffee. Really, theres only the water hose, grey water hose and electrical cord to tuck way (10 mins) and the oil and water in the engine to check (3 mins) and the tyres and wheel seals (2 mins). Then we need to start the engine and let Bertha warm up and inflate her airbags before we can get anywhere. It takes 5-10 minutes for that. Thats when Dunc drinks his coffee. While Dunc does all that outside, I spend the same time washing up the breakfast dishes and locking all the interior stuff securely – packing away the kettle and locking the windows, cupboards and drawers. And making sure the fridge lock is on! We have it down to a fine art, and really could get away in 20 mins if its urgent. The thing which blows out our time is if we need to pack Baby Bertha into the trailer – that adds a good 15 minutes to the procedure. Again, Dunc and I have it down to a fine choreographed dance now, with each of us doing our own bit. If we are staying in a caravan park, we often find it easier to load up or unload outside on a slip road of the main road. Even so, we often draw an audience, and yesterday we were even videoed while doing it!

So we are not the family who is up and away quickly. Especially with Mr Sleepyhead at the wheel. Fortunately we never have far to go, so its not a big deal. We are most often on the road at 10am and parked up by 1pm. Were not in a hurry to get anywhere.

But today we are not going anywhere at all and I love sitting all warm and snug in my home, watching everyone out there. I am a true people-watcher and I blame my mum for that. This is a great lifestyle for people watching!

Actually we are going somewhere – we are off to Port Lincoln to a wildlife park there. We have had a lovely few days pottering our way down the Eyre Peninsula. After leaving Adelaide, we free camped at Port Augusta and Point Lowly for a few nights. Point Lowly had wonderful views, another bus family, a sea turtle, dolphins, blue crabs and fishing so we were happy there for a bit! 

We then made our way to Arno Bay for the lunar eclipse, and on here to Coffin Bay where we are based to explore both Coffin Bay and Port Lincoln. 

Dunc has been looking forward to the oysters here, and got to have some last night when we ate out at the pub. He loves having Lexie along – she loves seafood too. That love didnt quite extend to oysters yet. What a pity he had to eat the rest of them

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