Monday, April 21, 2014

Streaky Bay and Haslam

We are well and truly into the Great Australian Bight now. From Coffin Bay we headed East, intending to stay at Perlubie Beach, a beach-based free camp which looked just gorgeous. Of course it had to be Easter weekend, and Good Friday already so the place was choc-a-block full of caravans. L Bloody weekenders! So we hit the books in addition to Wiki Camps and looked for somewhere/ANYwhere else we could stop. The highway rest areas were all free, but had no shade and no company so they were our last choices. We ended up in the teeny tiny town of Haslam at another beach free camp ($5 per night) with about 15 other groups, mainly caravans. When we arrived, everyone was already here, and Dunc had to reverse through the entire campground to get around into the spot that would fit Bertha. He did a wonderful job (as always) and got a standing round of applause from two big groups. Its been lovely and we ended up at another groups campfire for happy hour yesterday. The two guys actually knew Duncs father and uncle – what a small world!

We are only a half hour drive from Streaky Bay, and weve actually ended up back there 3 times now! We went to fish off the jetty. Angus caught a trumpeter, much to Lexies disgust. She thinks its her turn to catch a fish! We also went to do some shopping, to jump off the jetty in the Shark Net and to check out the Easter Craft Market. It is the most beautiful town and reminds me a bit of a South Australian Sorrento. Its very pretty and has some lovely houses and hotels, but in a sleepy small town way.

We had to drive back past Streaky Bay to check our Murphys Haystacks, which Dunc drove past while I was napping. He didnt realize what they were – obviously has NO recollection of Alison Lesters book! I am soooo glad we went back. We timed it for late afternoon, and the sun was behind the wispiest of clouds for a while but came out in time to make some beautiful shadows.

Weve had a lovely 3 days here, using our little campfire pot each night. Angus has gone from being rather scared and silly around the flames to lighting a perfect fire last night.

We did some Easter baking. I was really disappointed as my favourite biscuit recipe wasnt photographed. I dont have it on Bertha! And Larissa (who gave it to me and would know it) is in Germany, and right then it was midnight. Bugger! I had one recipe I didnt like, so Lexie and I consulted the 3 cookbooks on board. Stephanie, who is usually my font of all knowledge, has NO recipe for cookies or biscuits that can be rolled and cut into shapes! Shes failed me!! My other go-to book, the green Nursing Home recipe book also had NO biscuit dough recipe. It was looking like a failure until we read the Blackylakealicious Book and found the Christmas Cookies recipe! Yayyyyy! Thank you Lily Hammond from Grade 4! We now have a new favourite recipe, and no need to disturb Larissa in Germany.

The children delivered biscuits to everyone here. They were well received apart from 2 grumpy gutses who were both camped up the back.  I think its rather sad that everyone expected to pay for a cookie though – they were most surprised that the kids were giving them away! The children made a nest for the Easter Bunny in the bushes beside Bertha, but it seems this is also the spot for the local foxs den and he got to eat their eggs from the Bunny before them! Luckily there were lots in the bus, it was only the outside trail eggs that were gone. Well the wrappers were left, only the chocolate was gone! And thats about the same state of the childrens Easter eggs now too!

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