Saturday, September 27, 2014

Heading South – Daly Waters

From Materanka, we hit the road and went South – far and fast. Well, compared to our recent travels. We stopped at the iconic Daly Waters Pub for a delicious lunch. They had wonderful kids activity packs, but they are designed to keep the kids entertained while the parents enjoy a two-hour dinner and show. Ours rushed through it to get their free icypoles. I thoroughly recommend a stop there with kids! 

Dunc was most disappointed that he couldnt have a beer, but heavy vehicles need 0.00% alcohol, so that was out! We stopped past the jailhouse to check out conditions and then headed on to a free camp for the night. Our arrival was perfectly timed so we didnt have too long with full sun and no air conditioning. We had a lovely sit outside with our various electronic devices, all winding down from a tough days drive. LOL.

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