Friday, September 19, 2014

Too hard to take Lexie away without seeing Darwin

We really couldnt take Lexie away from Darwin without her seeing the Mindil Markets. And my day trip was on the next day, so in the end we stayed a few days after she got back from Melbourne. We are falling further and further behind our original schedule. What a good thing we dont have plans!

So we spent a few days experiencing Darwin with Lexie. We went to the truly wonderfully relaxing Berry Springs and spent an afternoon playing under the waterfall and floating down the stream.

We also spent a morning checking out the WWII Oil Storage Tunnels. I really had no idea that Australia was so affected by WWII. We were so sheltered down south, but they were so targeted up here! The govt approved the construction of these ENORMOUS tunnels to protect the oil required for military requirements, but in the end they were never used. What a waste of manpower and materials.

The city wave pool was just over the road, so we got to please Dunc and the children in one place. Bonus!

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