Friday, February 21, 2014

‘Home’ for a while

Well home as in Melbourne. Not home as in on Bertha. It feels a little weird being here without her. I kind of feel like a fraud. We promised everyone wed be back with Bertha at the start of Feb, and now weve slunk back in with our tail between our legs and no Bertha in sight.

But we have been incredibly lucky! My wonderful Uncle and Aunt had a very well-timed and entirely unexpected holiday which meant they left the night before we arrived. They oh-so-kindly offered us their house while they are gone so we are living rent-free in a BEAUTIFUL and ENORMOUS house in the hills. The children could easily have stayed in a room of their own, but Angus said Im too used to being close to Lexie. Please could you move the bed in so we can share? Soooo sweet! After we arrived the first night and unpacked a bit (unzipped our bags, made the bed and put the toiletry bags on the bathroom bench. Yeah that took a whole 3 minutes!) Dunc and I were standing in the kitchen making a cup of tea. I reckon you could get 7 Berthas in here! he said. LOL.

We have had a fantastic few days. We had a lovely lunch with my Mum and Dad and Duncs mum, and then have been tarting ourselves around to various close friends for dinner. Its been so nice to catch up with everyone!  We visited our darling kitty cats and their wonderful foster family. Its so nice to see them settled and comfortable with them. They were both a bit confused with their old people and new people all together. After a good hour or so I was allowed to pick up and cuddle each cat which was reassuring.

Yesterday the children and I each went to school. Them for a day to catch-up with their classes and teachers, and me for a yummy lunch and gossip with my work friends. Youve never seen a child more excited to go to school than Lexie! I dropped Dunc at his mums and he got to play in the garage and unearth an old telephone that his father had kept in there. Now whenever we see one in a museum I wont have to hear Dunc fret about their old one!

So here we are, pottering around and waiting for the call from the mechanic. Its a little like the last few days of being pregnant. We know that Bertha will be ready one day soon, but we dont know when. Meanwhile we wait. Today Dunc took the kids to Scienceworks and I went out for lunch with Mum and my cousins and other Aunties. And tonight we are safe and warm and all have comfy beds to sleep in. Lovely!!

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