Friday, February 21, 2014

Launceston (again)

Being in Launceston gave us the chance to catch up with some attractions we hadnt seen the first time around:
The QVMAG Museum which has a brilliant section quite like our Scienceworks. The kids (and adults) had a ball playing in there before we all checked out a movie and starfield in the planetarium.
The Automobile Museum where we saw cars from the Model T Ford right up to the modern Charger.
The City Park, where they have a display of Japanese Macaque monkeys.
And a short drive south to have a tour of the Callington Mill and pop into Ross to check out the bridge.
Oh and Duncan FINALLY got to do a brewery tour!

We had found some accommodation with a swimming pool! That really isnt so easy in Tasmania. I know we are here in the hottest time of the year, but there really are very few pools anywhere to be found. Fortunately this was the place with the indoor pool, free wifi and free kids accommodation. Yet again though, we were disappointed with the wifi. For the THIRD time, the wifi didnt reach our rooms/cabin. Why do places advertise wifi if they cant get it to all of the rooms?? Oh yeah.. it doesnt quite reach all the way down to (whatever) was what we heard. Over and over again. We had to sit at the pool if we wanted to access the free stuff – which admittedly was wonderfully fast and free when we did! We have had no end of dramas with wifi and coverage in Tasmania. I dont know how the locals can stand the limited service they have. In so many caravan parks we have had only one or one and a half bars of service. We fully expected to have issues with coverage on this trip, but not in fairly well sized towns!

So here we are, back in Launceston and about to head to Melbourne tomorrow. On a plane. Without Bertha. The kids are excited about the flight, and I am excited about not having to pay for accommodation, but it just feels weird not having our home with us.

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