Thursday, February 6, 2014

Our first major milestone – Most Southern Point!

We have made our first major milestone on this trip – though if you want to consider catastrophic engine failure as a milestone, perhaps it is our second!

After Bruny Island, we made our way south to the town of Dover. From this base we could do a few day trips, the most exciting being to travel as far south as possible. Whilst there is more of Tasmania to explore past the town of Cockle Creek, it takes a 6-8 day hike or a serious 4WD and we were happy enough to get to the end of the road and the whale sculpture which commemorates that.

It was a truly stunning day and to our surprise we actually had 5 bars of mobile phone service in the middle of nowhere! We were able to call our mums and celebrate while the kids clambered over the rocks and paddled in the crystal blue water.

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