Ahhh... How WONDERFUL to sleep in our own beds! By the time we left Weipa, we were over camping. We had set up and packed up the tent 6 times in 10 days and we were OVER it. It was rather windy on and off, and the on times seemed to correspond exactly with when we were trying to cook or fold the tent. Try keeping a flame alight in a wind, or holding something rather like a parachute and trying to get it to lay on the ground.
So after we left Weipa, we headed south as fast as we could. We'd done the mine tour before leaving, so weren't really sure how far we would be able to get that day. I was thinking Archer River Roadhouse, but we got there at about 2pm and that was waaaay too early to stop. So we kept on going, and got as far as the town of Coen. Coen actually has multiple stores, AND a pub and by this time, the thought of pitching the tent one more time was too much. I suggested we shout ourselves a room at the hotel! Dunc didn't take much convincing, but sadly the pub was booked out. Fortunately there was a guest house just down the street, and we scored ourselves 4 beds in a room for the same price as the others were paying for their rooms. Admittedly, there were shared bathrooms, we had to move the daybed in from the lounge room, and Lexie used her sleeping bag, but hey... It was $160 for bed and breakfast for the 4 of us - we are NOT complaining!
We went all-out and had a meal at the pub too. Yum!
The next day we woke refreshed and well rested having slept on mattresses as opposed to air beds and were on the road at 9am, almost a record! Dunc drove and drove and drove and we got to Laura in time for a quick lunch stop before checking out the local Indigenous Rock Art. Somehow, having eavesdropped on every single other conversation Dunc and I have had in the last 2 weeks, the children didn't realise we were stopping and cracked it big time when they saw the paltry 300m hike. Lexie was completely crabby and Angus whining about his itchy bites and the end result was Dunc storming back to the car with them to medicate Angus. I went on to see the artwork before returning to give Dunc a turn. Bloody kids! They were both incredibly exhausted and everyone was looking forward to seeing Bertha and getting home again at Endeavor Falls.
The back short cut seemed to take a lot longer in reverse, and we didn't get home until well into the afternoon. And here we are and here I am! I've spent the day doing 6 loads of washing - everything that came with us, as well as the sheets that were left on the bed and got leaf litter all over them from the hatch. The children have had a chilled out day sleeping in, drawing, playing with Lego and are now in the pool. Dunc has washed the dust of Baby Bertha and checked her thoroughly for damage (VERY tired shock absorbers and some pitting from the stones near the back doors). Pretty good all up, I'd say. All I have to do now is sort out 14 posts worth of photos and I will be completely up to date!