So after kicking back in Cairns for a bit, and making changes to Baby Bertha the RAV, we were ready to head off North.
Knowing we had to drive across the Atherton tablelands, and that there was a steep, sharp slope, we decided to wait and load the car after we were up the top. This way Bertha wouldn't have to cope with the weight of the car. We are so glad we did, as even so, Dunc pulled over to let her cool down a bit on the way up.
Once we made it up, we loaded up and hit the road again. North and North and North until we ran out of road! Woo hoo! We got all the way to Cooktown and past it to Endeavor Falls, where we had booked a spot for Bertha to stay while we carried on. The road was bitumen most of the way, with the exception of the last 9km. We took Bertha as far as she could possibly go. Well no. She could go further, I'm sure. But that would mean way too much dust in the bus for my liking!
So Endeavor Falls was as far north as she would go. We checked out the local falls, had one last wonderfully comfortable night in our home, had a quick haircut for the boys (and didn't THAT entertain the owner, Jan...), packed the car with all the camping gear and headed off, all very excited to be actually going to The Tip!
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