Having cracked my kneecap on the Pichi Richi trainride, we very quickly decided that a hike up a mountain the next day was not such a great idea. We extended our stay another day and are SOOO glad we did! We spent the first day going on a drive recommended by Deb at Rawnsley Park Station there. We drove through Wilpena (without looking at it) and up to Blinman for lunch, stopping at every lookout on the way. The hills and mountains were just beautiful, and you could clearly see the layers of rock. The bushes and trees grew along the layers as well, leading Lexie to observe “It looks like the mountain has leggings on, Mummy”.
After some
hamburgers at Blinman to re-live the trip from when I was a kid, we started the
drive back to Rawnsley Park, but this time driving through the gorges. They
were GORGEOUS! We started with the Glass Gorge loop out from Blinman to
Parachilna, which frankly wasn’t all that impressive. After a quick
phone call at Parachilna (we take our service where we can get it these days!)
we headed south on the highway but soon turned left down Brachina Gorge. That
one was more impressive, but we had saved the best for last – Bunyeroo Gorge.
It was amazing!!
The scenery
was incredibly breathtaking and we got to see lots of wildlife including the
illusive yellow-footed rock wallaby with their long and stripy tails. One of
our funniest conversations went a little like this:
“There’s a kangaroo. There’s a rabbit. Another rabbit. A pussy
cat!! I saw a pussy cat!”
“That aint no pussy cat. That’s a feral cat!”
We reversed
so everyone could see the cat and it was a just like a little tabby panther,
slinking into a burrow.
The gorge
was just beautiful and supposedly people can drive it in a 2WD car. I can’t see how that’s possible because there were a number of times that we actually engaged
4WD, but apparently people do drive standard cars down there!
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