Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Our next stop was the town of Carnarvon, where we stayed in Wintersun Caravan Park for a couple of nights. The first night they had a $6 sausage sizzle – a hot dog bun, 2 sausages, salads and an icecream for dessert. There was also entertainment in the form of a (very) old man playing a synthesizer and a piano accordion. It was during his rendition of I like Aeroplane Jelly that I looked around and realized that, with the exception of half the staff, we were the only people in the crowd of 130 under retirement age!

Carnarvon also gave us the chance to finally dispose of the old inverter we had been carting around – yippee.

We checked out the sights in town too – the Space and Technology Museum, which Dunc and Lexie enjoyed the most, and the long jetty with a little train. Having missed the one in Busselton, we made sure to catch this one!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dunc, is there where you say

"I've been to NASA!"

you only have till december to keep it up, after that Ree Ree and family will have been there and done that
