Monday, August 25, 2014


Kununurra marks the halfway point on our map. After 7.5 months, we are now officially heading home! I'm not sure I like that too much... I've grown accustomed to this lifestyle. Duncan is ready to work again - he wants to do things with his hands and be able to see what he has achieved at the end of the day. I AM looking forward to being in the classroom again, and I have sooo many lesson ideas and plans running through my head (I have a whole term on Aboriginal Art kicking around in there) but I am happy living this lifestyle and saving those ideas for "later". And so we reached Kununurra, perhaps the MOST Aussie sounding town so far!

We discovered that Belinda and Marty, our friends from Broome, had stayed the night 2km away from us at the free camp, and arranged to meet up again at the caravan park in Kununurra. We had organized to stay in the WONDERFUL Kimberleyland Caravan Park, as the owner is very active on the families travelling group on Facebook and has a VERY reasonable rate for families. This is not always the case and we can often be asked to pay up to $20 EXTRA per night for 2 children!

Kununurra was a wonderful spot to stop again. We had a site right near the pool and playground, just up the road from friends with kids – what more could we ask for?! Oh – entertainment at night? Tick! An almost pet crocodile down in the lake? Tick! A hairdresser for a shaggy boy? Yep! A trivia night where we could win some $$ and satisfy my dormant need for trivia? Yes. A distillery with alcohol for Dunc and company for me? HELL YES!

We spent a whole week in Kununurra and spent our time doing day trips, which will all have their own entries. It was a great place to base ourselves and it even had a hospital for yet ANOTHER long afternoon spent chasing up what was wrong with our gurgly tummies. After being directed from one end of the medical vicinity through 2 different facilities, into the Emergency Dept, seeing a doctor, having stool samples, waiting a week, seeing a different doctor, having them LOSE our samples and eventually chasing pathology up over the phone from Darwin, it seems our samples are all clear?! We just must be a little sensitive to the changes in water here And now Dunc gets to make great jokes about losing his shit in Kununurra!

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